Instagram’s new “Snap Map” deja vu?

Instagram appears to be testing a brand new feature that lets you share your location with friends in real-time – sound familiar?

This update bears a striking resemblance to Snapchat’s popular “Snap Map,” sparking questions about originality. According to reports, the new feature, tentatively called “Friend Map,” allows users to share their location on a map accessible to a select group of friends.

One crucial difference between Instagram’s reported feature and Snap Map is the apparent focus on privacy. Instagram seems to be prioritizing user control, allowing users to choose who sees their location and for how long (e.g., Close Friends, only followers you follow back). This contrasts with Snap Map, which includes public location-sharing options.

While the resemblance to Snap Map is clear, this new feature could still offer a familiar and potentially useful addition to Instagram.

You can read more here.
