LinkedIn rolls out in-feed video carousels

LinkedIn is making a major push into video content with the launch of in-feed video carousels.

These carousels will display algorithmically selected video clips tailored to your profile and activity on the platform. Tapping on any of these clips will take you to a full-screen, vertical video feed similar to TikTok’s.

This new feature has the potential to be a boon for marketers, as it allows them to reach a wider audience with their video content. However, there are some drawbacks to consider, such as the challenge of standing out in a crowded feed and the cost of producing high-quality videos.

Overall, LinkedIn’s launch of in-feed video carousels is a notable development for video marketing on the platform. While there are some challenges to navigate, the potential benefits for increased reach and engagement make it a format worth exploring for marketers.

You can read more here.
