LinkedIn’s latest: New ads, more generative AI

Hold on to your hats, advertisers! 

Hot on the heels of last week’s Recruiter InMail update, LinkedIn is taking a deeper dive into the realm of generative AI with AI Copy Suggestions, in addition to an exciting lineup of fresh ad formats.

Starting off with AI Copy Suggestions: LinkedIn’s latest OpenAI GPT integration will collect data from your LinkedIn Page and Campaign Manager settings (objective, targeting criteria, audience) to recommend suitable ad copies and headlines. 

Now, let’s dive headlong into LinkedIn’s promising collection of ads:

  • In-Stream Video Ads: Seamlessly integrated into users’ feeds, these ads will show at the beginning (pre-roll) and middle (mid-roll) of videos to deliver your brand message in an immersive setup.
  • Conversation Ads: Following the groundbreaking introduction of personalized conversations in Recruiter InMail last week, LinkedIn is now looking to drive more engagement into your conversations by recommending lead-generating CTA buttons whether it’s to increase event/webinar registrations, share free trials and product demos, drive more website visits or boost asset downloads. 
  • Thought Leader Ads: These ads empower you to position your company as an industry authority, by allowing verified employees and executives to offer valuable insights and thought-provoking content that elevate your brand’s reputation. 

It is to be noted that Conversation Ads and Thought Leader Ads aren’t entirely new. Previously limited to select users only, these ads will become widely available on LinkedIn starting in July.

With AI at the helm of LinkedIn’s revolution, prepare to witness an epic industry showdown as brands fight tooth and nail for marketing supremacy.

You can learn more here.
