TikTok’s newest Trojan horse enters the enemy lands

Duplicating content is becoming easier than ever! While rival social networks are busy in their copy-cat chase, TikTok Stories will soon start seeping into the Metaverse. In the upcoming weeks, the platform will open the front door for creators to flood Facebook and Instagram with their Stories (not videos).
When you hit the three-dot menu on your Story, you shall see a new icons row of TikTok’s rival sister-apps and Reddit. There you can choose whether to smoothly share your Story as a Facebook and/or Instagram Story.
This newly released sharing interface will sure stifle Meta’s recommendation algorithms that have been hunting out recirculated TikTok watermarks to privilege original content. The TikTok cross-shared Stories will not live in your feed as videos, therefore will remain out of sight from visibility reducing functions.
Not even fully launched yet, TikTok’s anticipated auto-share feature will surely spend some time in the global testing labs.
Learn more here.