TikTok takes a plunge into podcasting

TikTok is upping its game by diving headfirst into the realm of podcasting. 

Apparently, the platform has plans to support full podcast episodes, currently allowing select US-based creators to directly upload and share podcasts on the app via RSS feeds.

With this move, users no longer have to leave TikTok to listen to podcasts, and this way creators can also link their TikTok videos to a specific episode.

This development aligns with the “super app” trend of evolving into a one stop shop (yes, TwiX, we’re looking at you) to keep users engaged. 

Of course, TikTok won’t be strutting alone in this podcasting parade. Players like Apple, Spotify and YouTube are flexing their muscles too, ready to take on this fierce competition.

Till then, stay tuned, stay entertained and read more here.
