Dealing With Ad Block Users

AdBlock or Ghostery are two well-known ad blocking software’s installed on many computers. They affect millions of web publishers and literally become a nightmare for those dependent on Google AdSense to pay their bills. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain a website and if users block ads, the revenue of the website will be diminished.

A smart option to handle this problem would be to display alternative content to users who block ads. This can either be displaying a Facebook Like box, a Twitter widget, or even a custom message with an image in the place of the ad. One of those can be seen below.

Ad Blocker

To do this, all you need is just a little help from your web developers. Your web developer needs to fix the ad unit on your web page, which will be generally found empty (because the ads are being blocked) and display an alternative HTML message. Few ideas for alternative content are:

  1. Display Facebook Like box
  2. Play YouTube Video
  3. Place Twitter Widget
  4. Show a Creative Image banner
  5. Place a Site Search Box
  6. Or Just a Plain Text

Whoa! Now you can start counting your revenue.
