Instagram to bring Carousel Ads into Stories

Don’t stress about squeezing your message into one 15-second video or one visual anymore, now that Instagram announced plans to allow three stories per ad with its new carousel ad format.

Taking advantage of the fact that people like to tap (we tap our phone an average of 2,617 times per day), the Facebook-owned app is expanding its IG Story ad formats to include carousel ads.

While the company is yet to announce a timeline as to when this will become available to self-serve advertisers, a number of brands such as Netflix and Gap have already started testing the feature.

There are no changes in terms of the length of the individual posts, and users will still have the option to watch the ad or swipe past it.

From an analytics perspective, Instagram will section out views and swipe-up count per individual story, while impressions will only be counted when the ad is served.

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