Facebook halts plans to place ads on WhatsApp

You were not alone in your scepticism towards Facebook’s seemingly harmless 2014 WhatsApp purchase­.

What could possibly go wrong when a company that makes most of its profits on digital ads buys a messaging platform that places privacy as one of its core values, you ask?

Many things, of course—but at least ads within the app will no longer be one of them.

According to a Wall Street Journal report, Facebook:

“Plans at some point to introduce ads to Status, but for now the focus is on building out money-making features allowing businesses to communicate with customers and better manage those interactions, said one person familiar with the matter.”

You won’t have to worry about seeing either your local bank’s biggest celebrity endorsement or your telecom company’s latest Wi-Fi plan offer between your friends’ Status stories.

Not for now, at least.

Read more here.
