Fill the form on Instagram

Instagram’s rolling out more actionable buttons!

Biz profiles can now benefit from the new ‘Lead Form’, whether to gather contact information from their customers using the ‘Standard’ data-collection CTA (an Instagram prefilled form that asks for name, phone number, email, specific requests) or the personalized format.

When customizing a Lead, you can include a maximum of three personalized questions, with either short answers or multiple choice options. Don’t forget to visit ‘Advanced settings’ to give your new form button a name!

Also, Instagram will be nudging you in the ‘Notifications’ tab for any new Lead that needs reviewing. There you can modify its status (‘Stage’) in order to keep track of conversion: Not contacted, Contacted, Converted, Not interested.

On the whole, this is a really cool feature for compiling follow-up data and getting to know your account visitors a bit more. 

And it can be specifically useful for small businesses that don’t yet own a robust lead tracking software, as to nurture potential customers spending time inside their pages.

Read more here.


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