LinkedIn to expand Lead Gen Forms integration

Given the increasing role of LinkedIn in social network space, the business platform is introducing new and easier ways to leverage their growing set of event organizing features and third-party integration. The latest of these integrations is from Zapier, a service that does the job of making sure your data is organized properly and sent to the webapps of your choice.

For this use case, LinkedIn is introducing a Lead Gen Form integration with Zapier automation. The new feature will allow you to send the info of users who have registered for your events through LinkedIn’s event tools to any other service related to your event. For example, you could:

  • Automatically add a webinar registrant in Zoom every time someone registers for your event on LinkedIn,
  • Automatically create HubSpot contacts for LinkedIn Lead Gen Form submissions, or
  • Add LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms responses to a Google Sheet.

Learn more here
