Snapchat tests ‘Events’ feature

It’s already 2021 and vaccines are being rolled out around the world. The pandemic is not over yet, but we are closer than ever, and when that happens, we know what we all are going to do: go outside!

After a year of overhauling features to facilitate virtual connections, platforms seem to be giving a little attention back to face-to-face interactions. This time it’s Snapchat, which was recently found to be working on an event functionality in the form of sticker invites.

According to Patent Drop, the idea is that:

Users will be able to create an event invite and overlay it on a piece of content, like a sticker or a filter. Once they fill in some details on the event, they will be able to send the invite to their friends. For the friends receiving the event invite, they’ll be able to join the event and chat with others attending. On Snap Maps, the event invite will be shown with the avatars of who is attending. Finally, any photos or videos that are taken during the event will be automatically added to the group chat.

On its own, this is clearly a great addition. But it would be very interesting to see if it’s also made available for monetization purposes and allow these stickers to be in ads, giving businesses a cool option to promote event activations.

Learn more here.
