Twitter adds a co-hosting feature for Spaces

Twitter has recently removed its Fleets tab to focus exclusively on Spaces. Polishing out new options, Twitter’s latest effort to boost Spaces usage is a co-hosting feature that aims to give users more options to manage their audio chats. 

With the co-hosting features, Spaces hosts will be able to add up to 2 co-hosts and up to 10 speakers. Co-hosts, on the other hand, will provide a great support to hosts as they can help invite speakers, manage requests, remove participants, fend off spammers, pin Tweets and do all the moderation work.

It is clear that Twitter is doubling down when it comes to delivering an audio chat social experience, and with its active involvement and rolling out of new features, it won’t come as a surprise to see the microblogging platform significantly leading this space really soon.

Learn more here
