TikTok’s search just got upgraded

The trendy app we can’t seem to resist is shaking things up yet again with its new feature called “Search Ads Toggle.”

With the intention of giving brands a bigger advertising edge, TikTok has rolled out a new ad placement alongside organic search results.

In other words, this Toggle from TikTok allows ads to be displayed inside relevant results when users search for certain queries.

The feature does seem familiar, as Search Ads have been around on the app for more than a year. The catch with this new roll-out is that In-Feed Ad campaigns are now eligible to show up within user searches.

The cherry on top? This functionality can be activated either during campaign creation or while a campaign is in progress, all without disrupting the learning phase.

Notably, industry titans like Clinique and DIBS Beauty have already reported positive results from their adventures with TikTok’s Search Ads Toggle.

It’s becoming increasingly evident that this popular app might just Tik and Tok away with the crown of the search game.

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