Facebook expands search ads access to all advertisers

After testing search ads with a small pool of brands, Facebook has announced that it will be opening the functionality up to all advertisers after seeing promising results.

Facebook will be adding search ads to its Automatic Placement and including an option for advertisers to manually select them on their own if need be.

Here is Facebook’s explanation about the new ad tool:

“All new ad campaigns using Automatic Placements will automatically include the Facebook Search Results placement. You can also manually select the placement when setting up your campaign. Once you opt-in, ads will be eligible to appear on search result pages which includes general search and Marketplace search – and will both respect the audience targeting of the campaign and be contextually relevant to a limited set of English and Spanish search terms.”

This is a good addition that benefits brands as it will help increase content awareness and conversion, as well as boost revenue streams on Facebook.

Read more here.
