Instagram says goodbye to IGTV

IGTV, Stories, Reels, Feed posts and videos – it’s getting pretty cluttered on Instagram!

In an aim to simplify the user experience on the platform and “reduce the bloating”, Instagram has announced that it will now merge its long-form IGTV offering with feed videos into a single format called “Instagram Video”.

Instagram explains this update as follows:

“Starting today, we’re combining IGTV and feed videos into one format – Instagram Video. We’re also introducing a new Video tab on your profile, where this combined video format will live, to make it easier for people to discover new video content.”

All videos will now live in a new Video tab on a profile, signified by a play icon. This won’t include Reels, however, which will continue living on their own tab and won’t be impacted by the change. 

Learn more here.
