Instagram tests a way for public accounts to remove followers & limit Stories access by location

Instagram is testing new options for public accounts to remove followers and filter Stories access by region. These options could reflect positively on engagement rate.
Removing followers is not a new option on Instagram, private accounts have had it for some time. However, Instagram is currently expanding it for public accounts allowing them to immediately cut off access of their content instead of having to block or switch their account to private in order to remove a certain user.
This option will help public accounts filter out inactive audience that are not engaging with their content and maintain a more focused reach, which as a result, will positively impact engagement rate given that the algorithm factors in overall engagement as an indication of performance. It will help brands get accurate results about their engagement rates and direct their marketing efforts to those who are actually engaging with them.
In addition, Instagram is testing the ability to limit access of Instagram Stories by location. This could be beneficial for brands with a multinational presence, where they could customize Stories and target them per target market. This option could also be useful to implement for local events and region-relevant occasions, such as Ramadan.
Read more here.