Instagram widens availability of TikTok competitor ‘Reels’

Instagram straight up copying a feature? When did we see that before *cough* Stories *cough*?
Yes, ‘Reels’, Instagram’s take on looping, 15-sec videos with editing capabilities is here. Well, it depends on where “here” means for you because for Instagram it means France and Germany. But hey, that is two more countries than just Brazil, where it was originally introduced for testing in November last year.
Another TikTok competitor is YouTube’s ‘Shorts’. The feature is still not available in any market yet, but after being discovered in April, it seems like its development is happening fast enough for the tool to currently be in testing stages.
Will it be ready fast enough to counter ‘Reels’ in the fight against TikTok? Will ‘Reels’ be able to steal TikTok’s momentum just as they successfully appropriated Stories from Snapchat? When will LinkedIn Coffee Breaks be unveiled?
Stay tuned!
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