TikTok releases new ‘TikTok Tips’ account

At this point in 2020, we all know the power of social media. Most of the time it’s great—memes, cat videos, your aunt commenting on your pictures with ALL CAPS—but in other instances it can also be a conduit for negative stereotypes and negative peer pressure with real-life consequences. Do you remember the Tide Pod challenge?
There is an obvious need for platforms to have the responsibility to create a safe environment for users of all ages. For this reason TikTok has launched a new account, called, somewhat confusingly, ‘TikTokTips’ featuring popular TikTok influencers and creators on a “mission to promote privacy, safety, and positive vibes!”
After a thorough and exhaustive five-minute research across the account (it only has 18 videos as of now), we’ve concluded that the tips are mostly concerned with ways to promote a healthy online experience and mental well-being. They vary from calls to take breaks from your phone to advice on how to filter potentially abusive and harmful comments from your videos.
Here is the visual, TikTok-esque representation of the account’s vision:
@tiktoktips We’re on a mission to promote positive vibes. ☀️
Using role models such as influencers and celebrities has proven to be an “effectively applied strategy to change health behaviour”. As long as it doesn’t look like British Airways’ newest flight safety video, that is:
Read more here.