TikTok revamps livestream features

Having achieved resounding success with short vertical videos, its core product, TikTok is now strengthening additional features to enhance its overall experience. This week, it’s the live stream features that are getting the spotlight.

The first update is the new ‘event cards’, which will allow users to advertise their streams on TikTok and other platforms. Users can also sign up for in-app reminders through a dedicated ‘Register’ button on the cards, making events easier and more straightforward to remember and to attend.

The platform is also lowering the requirement for creators to invite a live guest to their own livestreams—from 5,000 to 1,000 minimum followers. Finally, the last update is a new, redesigned on-screen live Q&A, which allows fans to interact with creators in a simplified way by commenting their questions and getting them quickly on screen.

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