Twitter eases restrictions on COVID-19 mentions

If you recently tried to promote a tweet for your business mentioning COVID-19, you most probably got a message from Twitter informing you that the request was rejected.
We did, at least.
Keeping in line with their inappropriate content policy progressively updated as the outbreak became a serious public health emergency, Twitter banned the explicit referencing of the Coronavirus in ads in order to avoid potentially harmful messaging: facemask price gauging, fake news, or dangerous home remedies were ripe for exploitation.
However, and adapting to the changing business circumstances, the platform has eased the restrictions on pandemic-related mentions for brands. The updated policies, which have already entered into effect, permit certain managed clients and partners to communicate key messages referencing Coronavirus if they pertain the following purposes:
- Adjustments to business practices and/or models in response to COVID-19
- Support for customers and employees related to COVID-19
Twitter is making clear that any distasteful reference to the pandemic will result in a rejection. So check out Twitter’s best advice on crisis communication just to be sure.
Read more here.